How to Get Paid What You’re Worth… on Time… with No Hassles

Has this ever happened to you?

You spend three to four hours emailing and talking with a prospective client, and put in more time writing a proposal.  Then, very soon after you send it, your prospect tells you they gave the project to someone else. 

Or worse, they say no thanks… and a month later you discover that they used your concept and ideas.

Have you had a similar experience? 

Would you like to prevent it from happening again?

Every month I receive four to five emails and calls from people seeking advice and help with prospects, clients and projects that have gone sour.

Most of their questions are about issues that I haven’t had a problem with for at least a dozen years.

An incident like those above recently occurred in our community, which prompted me to schedule a presentation on:

* how to get paid what you’re worth

* how to stop prospective clients from stealing your ideas & knowledge

* how to get paid on time for every dollar you’re owed

* how to detect a bad client before you invest much time in them

* how to get paid to write project proposals

* more best practice methods for business success


Increasing happiness & income from your freelance career:

6:30pm: networking

7:15pm: discussion with lots of Q&A

8:45pm: networking & more Q&A

This meetup is perfect for anyone who freelances and would like to be more successful (designers, writers, graphic artists, social media consultants, photographers, model makers, etc).

Beginners, advanced, and everyone in between will gain something useful.

Travel & Directions

BIC is one minute from an express train stop that’s 5 minutes from downtown Brooklyn and 25 minutes from midtown.

Directions to the mansion will be emailed when you RSVP.

Speaker Bio:

D.K. Smith is a serial entrepreneur who teaches in Pratt Institute’s Certificate in Design Entrepreneurship program, and formerly taught “Business and Marketing” at the Southeastern Center for the Arts in Atlanta.

D.K. has freelanced as a consultant for 25-plus years.  He founded Dotcom Diligence in 2007 to provide due diligence services to angels and VC firms;, his conversion and monetization business in 1998;  and he sold two creative businesses prior to that.

D.K. is now managing director of the Brooklyn Innovation Center startup accelerator, and organizer of several startup meetups.